Your Vera Suite Dashboard
Your Vera Suite dashboard shows your overall compliance scores for purchased KPA solutions (Vera EHS, Vera F&I, and/or Vera HR). Algorithms based on the number of open issues, their severity, and how long they have been open determine your Overall Score.
By selecting the tabs at the top of your dashboard: Environment Health & Safety, Finance & Insurance, or Human Resources, you can drill into the data for additional insights.
You will also see important compliance tasks, the company news bulletin, and key statistics for each Vera solution you have.
Your Vera Suite role and the software solutions your organization purchased determine your left navigation.
Administrators will have more menu options available to them than Managers, Employees, Client Users, or Training Users. In addition, whether your organization has Vera EHS, Vera HR, and/or Vera F&I will also determine what you see when you sign in.
Navigation Overview
Below is an example of a Client Admin who has maximum permissions and all three software modules. Note: Your left-hand navigation view may look different, depending on your Vera Suite permissions.
Client Admin View, All 3 Vera modules
Use the down arrow to access more menu options within that section.
Dashboard = This is your Vera Suite home screen. It will show news updates and your overall compliance scores for each purchased KPA solution (Vera EHS, Vera F&I, and/or Vera HR).
Training = Where you’ll administer online and onsite training courses. This will also be where employees and managers access courses assigned to them.
Summary by Location (Vera EHS) (Vera F&I) = For clients with multiple locations, group administrators can see compliance data and access account details for individual locations.
Policies & Documents = Where to access compliance resources, sign policies specific to your location/organization, and upload your own EHS or F&I materials.
Employee Management = Within this section, you can edit employee details, add or remove employees, view employees’ leave schedules, access an organizational chart, and download employee lists.
HR Toolkit (Vera HR) = Connects you with HR tools, such as a classification wizard, job description templates, and a license and certification tracker.
Issues = This is where you will find risks that have been identified at your location and solutions to correct the problem.
Incidents (Vera EHS) = Where admin users will log work-related employee injuries, illnesses, accidents, and property damage events.
SDS (Vera EHS) = Here you can print your chemical inventory, remove chemicals from it, see Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), and add new ones if your company starts using other chemicals.
OFAC & Red Flags (Vera F&I) = These tools help you comply with Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) rules that prohibit businesses from doing transactions with anyone on the Specially Designated Nationals List. There is also a tool to help you comply with the Red Flags Rule, which requires dealerships to detect, prevent, and mitigate identity theft.
Reports = Access a variety of reports related to your organization, such as HR reports, your Top 25 Issues report, safety committee meeting minutes, and other EHS or F&I reports.
System Administration = This is your hub for managing location access. Depending on your KPA Vera Suite solution, you may also see notifications and other permissions.