Assign HR Training
You can decide which training courses should be required or optional based on an employee’s position or department. You can also assign one-off training courses to individual employees for them to take.
Who can do this?
- Vera HR Administrators
- Click on the down arrow
next to Training.
- Select Manage HR Training.
- If you previously configured a training course for a position or department, choose Edit next to an existing course. If you need to set a new training preference, choose Add.
- Select the Training Title from the drop down list. Choose Compliance Type.
- Continue making selections to determine who needs to take the training course according to their Role, Department, or Position. You do not have to select all fields. Save.
Who can do this?
- Vera HR Administrators
- Click on the down arrow
next to Training.
- Select Manage HR Training.
- If you previously configured a training course for a position or department, choose Edit next to an existing course. If you need to set a new training preference, choose Add.
- Select the Training Title from the drop down list. Choose Compliance Type.
- Under Person, choose the specific employee you want to take the training course. Leave the other fields blank Save.