Self-inspections are automated checklists that help you inspect equipment and processes on a regular basis. You can choose from anytime or scheduled inspections. Anytime inspections can be done whenever. Scheduled Self-Inspections happen on a regular basis and once they’re completed, they won’t reappear again until the designated time.
Your organization can work with KPA to configure self-inspections that are unique to your organization in addition to the best practice Environmental Health and Safety or F&I Vera Suite inspections that are already in Vera Suite.
Who can do this?
- Vera EHS/F&I Administrators
- Click on the down arrow
next to Summary by Location. Select EHS Summary.
- Select View By Facility.
- Select the desired location Name. (If you want to see at a glance, which locations have done self-inspections and the results, you’d select Self-Inspections from the top.)
- Select Self-Inspections.
- On that location’s behalf, decide if you want to complete a Scheduled Self-Inspection or an Anytime Self-Inspection.
- If you go with an Anytime Self-Inspection, select the drop-down
arrow to see available inspections.
- Find the exact self-inspection you want to complete. Select Begin to do answer the inspections electronically. Choose Print if you want to print the inspection out and enter the answers into Vera Suite later.
- Answer all of the questions. Add detailed comments as you go.
- View Regulations along the way, if applicable.
- Save Changes.
- Depending on your responses, an issue may automatically be created.