View Completed Inspections
Inspections that have been completed can be viewed in two separate areas within Vera Suite.
Who can do this?
- Vera EHS Administrators
- Click on the down arrow next to Inspections. Select Inspections.
- The grid shown provides a list of inspections that have been assigned. These inspections can be Open (start date has not begun), Scheduled (start date has begun), Overdue (due date has past), Cancelled or Completed.
- Click just below the Status Here you can select the inspections you would like to view in this grid based on their Status.
- The grid will include details such as who completed the inspection and what the score was.
- If you would like to see the full details of a completed inspection click on the down arrow next to Reports from the main menu. Select Activities and Minutes. You may need to select the facility you would like to view reports for.
- Scroll down the page to view Completed Activities. Here you can click View Report to download a PDF of a completed inspection.