Regulatory And Non-Regulatory Questions
Questions that are created within an inspection can be designated either regulatory or non-regulatory. Selecting that a question is regulatory will prompt you to select a regulatory code from the regulatory library. Questions that are regulatory and are answered with a ‘No’ response will automatically generate an issue to be created within the issues list. Non-regulatory questions will not generate issues.
Who can do this?
- Vera EHS Administrators
- Click on the down arrow next to Inspections. Select Templates.
- Click Add New Template or click the Actions drop down for an existing template to Copy it.
- Click Question on the right side of the template builder to add a question to the inspection.
- When adding a question, the first selection is Question Type. This is a required field and the selection items will be Regulatory and Non-regulatory.
- Select Regulatory.
- A field will appear which allows you to choose the Inspection Code you would like to tie this question to.
- Begin typing a regulatory keyword (e.g. fire, COVID, etc.) to search the list for the appropriate code. If you are unsure of the regulatory code but you would like an issue created for a ‘No’ response to the question type ‘Other’. This will provide a generic code selection.
- Next enter your question text.
- Then select your Response Type.
- Only response type options that include ‘No’ as a response selection will prompt the system to generate an issue based on the answer to the question as only ‘No’ answers will generate issues.
- Once the inspection is complete and has been performed any issues generated will appear if you click on the down arrow next to Issues on the main menu. Select Issues List.